Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Current Project: Great Room Makeover

I'm heading to Santa Cruz on Friday to spend the weekend with my sister, Michele. Typically when I go visit her it's like a mini vacay - we lounge around on the beach working on our tans, go shopping, go for bike rides, go out to eat, visit friends, etc. Well, not this time! We are going to undergo a whirl wind weekend filled with DIY projects, repourposing, painting, re-upholstering and more! Michele has been dying to makeover her great room and this weekend we are going to do just that. Here's a glimpse of what her space currently looks like:

She rents a townhouse that is two blocks from the beach in Santa Cruz and shares it with two roommates. The newest roommate that just moved in brought with her a very large, but very comfortable chaise (not shown in the above pictures.) Here is the design concept board and floor plan I came up with:

We are on a major budget (read: starving-college-student-type of budget. Michele currently goes to Cabrillo College and will be transferring soon to California State Univ. Monterey Bay and is going to become a teacher. She works at a kids camp in the summertime and during the school year she runs an aftershool program at an elementary school. She is one busy chica!) Like I said, the budget it tight, really tight.

The big splurges we made are the sofa slipcover and white grommeted drapes. We will be painting the walls gray (color TBD) and repurposing and refurbishing all of her existing furniture. (Remember the table and chairs I blogged about a while back?) I also have a bunch of left over fabrics from previous clients' projects that we are going to use in the space. We raided my mom's storage shed last weekend and found all sorts of treasures that we are going to repurpose! I also have a lamp, some artwork and accessories that are stored in my garage that we will be using as well.

Next week I'll share all the details and before and after photos with you! I'm exhausted already just thinking about all of the sanding, painting, work, work, work, but you know I love it all!

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